Monday, March 10, 2025

Aaron’s Level III Integration

April 1, 2019 by Aaron Lovelady  
Filed under Integrations


I am SO MOTIVATED, now more so than ever in my life! This Level III Meeting has UNLOCKED something inside me I always knew was there. I just didn’t have the HOW, the essentials, until now. The anticivilization is ruled by man, those instant gratification impulses, appetites of the flesh. Sadly, the majority of men and women on this planet are not truly self aware. How can they be, they simply do not get out of autopilot aka following mode, they bombard themselves constantly with sensory input from all the latest devices, they consume way too much trivial data. It’s difficult to admit our flaws as human beings. When the mind and spirit has a burning desire to stay in accord with the highest truth, the body will improvise, adapt, and overcome. The body always needs discipline in order to maintain order between vice and virtue. That’s why healthy eating, drinking and physical fitness are SO important. THE FORCES OF NATURE versus The INFANT ZON. I feel my child of the past awakening. I now have a sense of how The Forces of Nature directly translates into business.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Aaron’s Level III Integration”
  1. Larry Sandvick says:

    Wow, That really did explain me, wow. I realize I have always needed a “Tonto” for a support mechanism, because I never “Grew Up”. Well I am Ready to SPREAD THE WORD. I think you have “NAILED” down my FNE, as I have sent 5-10 people OUR WAY, by sending them to the website. As I cannot be 100% sure if I can explain the Mind Explosion Experience as well as Mark. Therefore leave that to more Knowledge and wisdom. I now realize IT IS up to Us.. some confusion so quickly after #3.The distribution of this Knowledge is the COMMON DENOMINATOR. I still refuse to grow up!!!!

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