Tuesday, March 18, 2025

A Reawakening

October 30, 2011 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Dear Mark,(and Nellie)

You finally rang my bell in Level Three. After three rereadings, and dream filled nights of quantum multidimensional leaps to various pasts and futures, seven decades of “searching” are now vibrating in a sixth dimension matrix; puzzle pieces awaiting final integrations in creating Biological Immortality and Eternal Romantic Love in the New 13th Universe are now forming.

In my readings of the Heirloom Package(s) this year (2011) deep memories began to stir on many levels of my being. Answers began to surface in response to recent questions concerning current circumstances and physical conditions; my own, humanity’s, and Earth’s. In 2002 my mission and purpose as a planetary creator/caretaker, a StarBlazer, to Earth was completed and I was free to leave the planet, or stay for the “Grand Galactic Alignment” in 2012. I did both … multidimensionaly. StarBlazer is a higher 9th dimension aspect of “All That I AM” and is now stationed on the SS Golden Mean, an etheric spherical starship located at the 13th Portal near M82; and guardian of the gateway to the New 13th Universe. It is my understanding that StarBlazers and Cosmic TimeMasters are most often the first-in last-out aspects of most new universe start-up phases. At least that appears to be true here. Our manifestations, interactions, and related crystal-grid network services to the planet have been documented and preserved on seven floppy discs covering the years 1997 – 2002. I had hopes of publishing a book entitled The StarBlazer Chronicles but the anticivilization forces managed to block all efforts through family illnesses and outrageous medical costs.

However, now that that is about to pass, maybe the book will become one of my FNEs, along with an old dusty screen play I wrote in 1991, Journey to Tabula Rasa, a sci-fi romance which received good reviews by The American Film Institute, and Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences. However, “back then” being heavy with symbology and other-worldly powers of Twin Flame Love, it was more than they could phantom. It only needs updating to replace the 2000 Y2K fiasco with a 2012 “End of Time” theme and incorporating the Neothink values of Biological Immortality and Eternal Romantic Love. In fact, the special effects/sexual message already dramatically illustrate the power inherent in the sacred union of Twin Flames. Unknowingly, their final act of selfless union instantly removes all duality and destructive forces from Earth and restores harmony and balance. The planet is instantly repopulated as Twin Flames are freed from thousands (3000?) of years captivity on Pluto and reunite on Earth. This writing was the result of a self imposed “search” to write the story of my life in 21days, in a rough screen play draft to be rewritten later.

What I’ve shared is only the tip of the iceberg as you know, and is the case with all of Society member stories I’m sure. Each and every one is unique and equally important in completing our picture puzzle of the New World(s) we are creating. This is the first time in years I’ve felt a new enthusiasm, a new creative surge of energy in my heart. Feels great! And just when I was beginning to think it might all be just one huge cruel cosmic joke. I’m still in the clutches of the anticivilization forces at present, financially. It’s not that I owe money or in debt, but I’m solely dependent on Soc. Sec., Medicare, Medicaid, rent subsidy, etc. I am now 75 years old, all organs and systems okay, but the bones and joints are complaining about the mileage. I just finished physical therapy and rehab from operations on both shoulders to repair severally torn rotator cuffs that required two anchors in each to secure the ligaments and tendons. Would you believe? I injured my shoulders while exercising on my Total Gym. For once I really should have been acting my age and not trying to be a Chuck Norris want-a-be.

Anyways, I can get out-n-around again when I have a few extra bucks for gas and not far to go. I can navigate the Internet okay, don’t care much for the seemingly nonsensical “tweeter-twatter-jabber” though. Won’t be long though before Earth Mother’s “brain and network” will be replaced by clear telepathic communications and all carbon-based systems are transformed into silica based. How’s that for another suggested FNE? Nuff sed!

I look forward to hearing from you, Mark, Nellie, and anyone else interested in sharing their story.


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