Sunday, March 9, 2025

Found my FNE!

July 19, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

Thank You Mark.After going through the level three and doing my homework of the visions I have decided that my FNE is to help advance the Society as quickly as possible by taking down the anti-civ. by going public and doing whatever I can to make that happen,and if that puts a target on my back then so be it.I have always stood up for the “little guy” and believe I am ready to fight injustice.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Found my FNE!”
  1. Meta says:

    Chuck! so many of us are working on the 12 Visions Party “grass roots movement” and you are right we need to get going on that. There is a call TVP UPDATE call for our members who want to help 1-206-402-0100- and the Access code is 152194#. The call is on every other Sunday at 5:30 pm Eastern . Our last call was July 28 and we are alway looking for volunteers, for that you can call 1-800-239-2707. This will take you to Fagan and Associates and just leave a message. Also if you would like to “talk” to someone you can call Member Services @ 1-800-480-2336. Have a greaat day, Meta

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