Level 3
April 15, 2013 by tdomf_c1c27
Filed under Integrations
Hi, this was a very worthwhile lesson. It took me a while, not to accept the Neothink concepts, but to change my own thinking. I’ve always made an effort to think for myself, whethter it be in agreement or contrary to another view. Now that I am aware of the forces of nature and the forces of Neothink, I understand what influences the choices we make in life. I’m feeling excited about the C of U life. I’ve wondered from time to time if Neothink is the ONLY thing that can change this world? I realize no matter how much a mind grows, the presence of mysticism (following mode) will repeat the same experiences we’ve seen up to this point. Neothink IS the only way to PURE, honest INTEGRATION, whether we call it that or not.
Thank you,
Marcus S.
P.S. I feel that I’m close to reaching the mystic-free mindset.
I belive in what you are doing. I’ve been thinking this way for over 20 years. Can we really have people thinking this way? My own sons have so long to go . How do we bring on the masses?