Monday, March 17, 2025


November 29, 2011 by tdomf_c1c27  
Filed under Integrations

The awareness of lesson 1, 2 and 3 .
My first comment was removed on lesson 1 Guess I struck a nerve.
I didn’t comment (on purpose) on lesson 2 and lesson 3
None of it was a surprise to me.
Neothink crossed my path in the 80’s and I found it to have interesting concepts and ideas. What i didn’t like about it then was it’s need to be secret.
Everything is revealed nothing is hidden

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “1-2-3”
  1. Eric says:

    I am enjoying learning about NT. There definetly are some great tools towards becoming a better value creator. I have had other jobs where this information would have been easier to apply. I am trying to incorporate some of the techniques into my life, and discover my FNE and i have spun and poked into a few different ideas with not very good results but learning never the less. The level three meeting was great, seeing as my other ideas flopped. I’m picking another direction which will be slower and take more patience. I do have many questions about NT.
    one being. seeing the massive picture and how do you get there? the speritual aspect of jesus teachings being put out of contex is amasslying interesting to me. An after life, is quite an interesting paradime. i have personally met a couple of people who have been clinically dead. strangers who were not trying to convince me of any thing. one individual was hit by a car at the age of 12 his accounts of the other side were amazing. the book of life pages opening and images of cars houses an other possetions, were viewed by him he reconized the car and the house do to faimly members at the time were posessing them at that time. when i was speaking with him he must have been between 35 and 45 at the time i spoke to him. and images viewed came to be true in his life. Another individual died on the operating table and he also had vivid acounts of the other side. I also watched a docomentry. on two other individuals who passed. one was at a convetion in denver and was shot by a drive by shooter, bullet logged in his head. clinically brain dead, the doctor were trying to harvest the man organs but the wife was holding on and did not want to sign of yet. his a count was mind blowing. he was in hell full decription and a translosent hand pulled him out. with voice saying it’s not your time. the man is alive walking talking with a bullet logged in his brain, the doctors will not remove it, in-opportable. Also the documentry had a womans experience who drowned in a river, but i won’t go into it.
    how would NT explain these a counts? is this just the mind in it’s final moments?
    Immotality is an iterresting concept. it is deffinatlly the next step for mankind or humanity to take. we are growing human ears othe baks of mouses

  2. Eric says:

    ran out of space. technology now being developed to take a persons cell, and reprint the cell into a human organ. heart, kindney, lungs ect. new organs with no anti-rejection medications. there thinking 20 years out before becoming a reality. I heard that last year, 2030 might be looking better. I heard that on the radio just blip no more information on it sence.
    i have more question on the political front. things seem to be in a bad state right now in this country and europe. the left is just plain crazy, wheres our pention? were is our tax payer paid free health care? Wheres our food stamps were is our unemployment checks? these protesters are rediculuce the feel other people should pay for thier college education. there is no free ride, there are only so many value creators and producer avalible to produce so much. Why don’t these folks jump into production and value creation? Oh ya theres less jobs avaible, but what else would you expect when you elect a person who is so far left. The lefts idology is completly false. many questions and i am terrible a typing my ideas.
    still learning and searching for truth and knowledge.

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